Thursday 5 September 2013

Day 8, 65km: (by Amy)

We had a bit of a late start as I had a puncture in my trailer.
 As we set off it started to rain and didn't stop until late
 afternoon. The gorge was very pretty but the road became an
 unpaved quagmire around the next town and we got coated in mud.
 After a while the road became paved again and we cruised slightly
 downhill alongside the river for most of the day. Just before
 we hit the main rd there was another set of roadworks diverting
 us onto an unpaved potholed bog. Unfortunately the trailer
 bouncing in the potholes pulled my back wheel off and bent my
 disc brake. Chris had to do some serious fixing at the junction
 and we attracted a huge crowd who I attempted to distract and
 entertain so Chris could fix my bike. Thank goodness for the
 translator which meant I could tell them where we were from
 and about our trip. With the bikes fixed we made it the 
of the way to Lueyang, Chris went to find a hotel while
 I washed the worst of the mud off the bikes so we'd be 
allowed to put them in the room. Chris came back having
 found a nice hotel but while we were taking our stuff in
 a member of the public said something to the proprietor
 and suddenly we were no longer allowed to stay. It turns out
 this hotel was not ok for foreigners. The apologetic proprietor
 took Chris to the reception of a posh hotel around the corner
. Chris (covered in mud) explained we would rather stay in the 
cheap hotel. This helped to significantly lower the price of the
 posh hotel but we were still made to stay there. I felt bad for
 the other hotel which was just as nice but since we got it for
 a bargain rate and there was a lift to take our stuff up we
 didn't really mind. We went for a wander round town that evening
 and ate some noodles that were so good we had 2 bowls each from a street food

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