Thursday 10 October 2013

Day 51, 56km: (by Amy)

Chris was pleased to wake up in a tent on his birthday and to amazing mountain vistas. He even had chocolate spread in his porridge as a birthday treat. The night had been much warmer and clear: the stars were fantastic. We set off with sunshine and a blue sky above. We ate our lunch with views of snowy Haba mountain. Chris had a massive snickers binge as there was no cake to be found.

Snickers birthday binge (the only easily available western food)
 Then we sailed downhill for ages until we got to Tiger leaping gorge. The river was flowing the opposite way to that expected from the map so it looks like the next couple of days will be uphill not down. For now we are installed in a guesthouse with stunning views of the gorge. Tomorrow we are going to set of to hike the length of it.


  1. Happy Birthday Chris!!!

    Mmmm, snickers birthday binge........

  2. Happy birthday big man. Do a birthday skid and wheelie for me.


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Happy belated birthday Chris.

    Absolutely great blog. The trip sounds amazing. Part of me is slightly jealous however as I look like a Belisha beacon after cycling up the 0.5km hill on the way home, the bulk of me (pun intended) is quite happy living my life vicariously through yours!

    Big love.

    Justin Orme

  5. Happy Birthday Christ! Chocolate spread in porridge... it's only a thing I can dream of. Think I missed you on Skype. Speak soon - and I love reading you guys blog. Chris - your cynicism is much missed...

  6. Oh, And that P3 showcase is me - ed. In case you might not have known. It's a blog from last year!

  7. Happy Belated Birthday Chris :) we had a party for you!!

  8. Thank you to all for birthday wishes! I went downhill all day and can't say I didn't do a little skid at the end. But it was a conservative one - rubber is precious when there are still 1000's of miles to cover.
